How Corporate Teams Use AI For Onboarding

September 3, 2024
Discover how AI can simplify and enhance your onboarding videos. Learn tips, tools, and more to engage and retain new hires effectively.

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Devin Trim
AI Author

Today’s global companies have access to qualified talent all around the world. However, for all its benefits, the global nature of today’s businesses has made one thing much more complex for their leaders and HR teams: employee onboarding

If you’ve been struggling to create engaging and culturally relevant onboarding materials for your diverse workforce, AI technology can help. AI makes it possible to translate existing onboarding videos in seconds, and can create stellar from-scratch videos in a fraction of the time–and at a fraction of the cost–it would normally take. 

AKOOL’s onboarding tools include our talking avatar and video translation tool. Both are used by corporate HR teams and business leaders seeking to streamline and enhance their onboarding processes using AI. These professionals are looking for tools that can help them create cost-effective, personalized, and scalable onboarding videos that engage and retain employees globally.

In this post, we’ll explore how AI onboarding tools can help you maximize employee retention, boost worker satisfaction, and scale your employee onboarding with ease. 

The Growing Need for Enterprise Onboarding Solutions 

When a company is just starting out locally, onboarding tends to be fairly simple. Everyone likely speaks the same language, and has a shared pool of cultural idioms and references to draw on. As organizations scale, however, diversifying their workforce is often a top priority. 

To achieve that goal, HR teams and business leaders need a way to produce onboarding videos that are: 

  • Consistently engaging and high-quality
  • Expertly translated into many different languages
  • Attuned to global cultural differences and sensitivities

Training materials enable your employees to perform confidently on the job, which increases long-term satisfaction and retention. And that’s even more the case when you hire internationally and need to bridge a language barrier. 

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of employee onboarding with AKOOL.  

How Do Onboarding Videos Benefit New Hires?

Imagine showing up to your first day on the job as a customer success agent at a SaaS company, but nobody’s briefed you on your role, the products you’ll be helping customers with, or any of the industry vocabulary you’ll need to know. 

Effective onboarding materials are essential for today’s businesses because they: 

  • Provide vital role-specific info: Onboarding videos help workers learn the ins and outs of their roles, how to handle challenging situations they might encounter, and make it much easier to master the learning curve involved in any new job or position. 
  • Engage and empower employees: When you take the time to put together quality onboarding materials for your employees, it doesn’t go unnoticed. Your staff deeply appreciates that you’ve invested the time and effort to help them perform at their peak potential.
  • Create a shared vision: Onboarding videos are a terrific opportunity to educate your employees on your company and the core mission behind it. That information helps create unified teams that are driven to create excellence for the sake of common goals and shared vision. 

Your employees aren’t the only ones who benefit from onboarding materials, however. There are also strategic gains to be made for HR teams and business leaders. 

What’s In It For You? 

Supplying your employees – both domestic and global – with high-quality onboarding and training videos is a way of investing in your people. And when you invest in your workforce, some great things start to happen. 

Employees get a strong first impression of your organization. 

From the moment they clock in on their first day, employees are feeling out whether they want to stick around for the long haul. Onboarding videos show them that their success matters to you, and helps them feel seen as an individual. That’s the kind of first impression that inspires people to perform at their best, driving revenue and organizational success. 

You’ll maintain quality output across different teams and locations. 

Well-translated onboarding videos enable your company to maintain a rigorous standard of quality all over the world. 

Onboarding videos are the most cost-effective way to educate new hires.

In-person training isn’t always feasible for every role. And even when it is, it introduces all kinds of additional costs and complications. Onboarding videos offer a practical, cost-effective, and extremely scalable solution. 

And thanks to AI, your HR team can create onboarding videos in minutes, in any language, and for any cultural background.

How Does AI Technology Streamline Onboarding Video Creation? 

As essential as onboarding videos are, there’s no denying that it’s a real hassle to create them manually. At a minimum, you’re tasked with hiring actors and creating scripts, which is time-consuming and costly. 

But odds are, you’ll also need to: 

  • Create videos for many different roles
  • Translate your onboarding videos flawlessly
  • Continuously update your onboarding materials over time

If you’re counting on your HR team or your marketing team to do all that manually, you’re looking at months of work – at a minimum – and many thousands of dollars. 

Enterprise software powered by AI can tackle the same workload in a fraction of the time. For example, say you need to translate a training video into Spanish. Doing so manually would be a lengthy and expensive process. But with AI, it’s simply a matter of selecting your target language, pressing a button, and waiting for the video to be translated. 

And translation is far from the only onboarding challenge that AI can help you overcome. 

Overcoming Common Onboarding Challenges with AI-Driven Solutions

Onboarding is crucial for increasing employee engagement and retention, but it can be tricky to produce effective onboarding materials – especially as your company scales its operations. 

AKOOL’s AI-powered software integrates with your existing HR systems, so anyone on your team can get right to work producing high-quality onboarding content. Even people on your team with no video or marketing experience can cut through traditional onboarding challenges: 

  • Personalized onboarding: Manually creating personalized and engaging onboarding videos for multiple roles is tough. But with GenAI avatar creation software, you can instantly design – or redesign – the perfect digital actor or actress for every video. 
  • Remote onboarding difficulties: If your employees will be working remotely, they need especially clear and careful instructions. AI software makes it easy to break down complex topics into smaller step-by-step videos to avoid information overload and keep your employees feeling confident about their ability to perform. 
  • Over-budget and past-deadline videos: Many HR teams struggle to stay on-budget and on-deadline when creating an onboarding program. With GenAI, even a small, non-technical team can rapidly and inexpensively produce studio-quality onboarding videos. 

AI is even helping HR teams tackle two of the most persistent onboarding obstacles that companies face – global expansion and regulatory compliance.  

Maximize Global Reach and Ensure Compliance with AI-Powered Translations

As companies scale and expand internationally, two new onboarding problems are introduced. 

First, you need to seamlessly translate and localize your company’s onboarding materials to make them engaging and relatable for employees around the world. And second, you’ll need to make sure your onboarding videos educate your employees on all the federal and local regulations they’re required to uphold at work. 

GenAI can help you solve both of these complex issues with ease. AKOOL’s advanced AI video and voice translation tool can flawlessly translate your onboarding videos. Instead of painstakingly re-recording videos, you can create one video and instantly translate it into 29+ different languages for employees in different parts of the world. 

What about compliance? Translating complicated compliance topics into different languages is time-consuming and error-prone. And there’s a lot at stake. If your employees don’t follow regulations – say a customer service rep accidentally mishandles a customer’s personal information – your company will have to pay steep non-compliance penalties. 

AKOOL’s video and voice translation software is powered by robust machine learning (ML) capabilities. This allows it to recognize and handle complicated compliance terms in many different languages. But more importantly, it can explain regulations in a clear and easily understood way, enabling every employee to keep your organization compliant.

Measuring the ROI of AI in Onboarding

Even if you don’t currently use AI in your onboarding, you’re probably well aware of its potential. However, one question in particular tends to keep HR teams on the fence about AI: “I know we should probably be using it, but how exactly do we gauge its ROI?” 

Below is a checklist of measurable metrics that can help you gauge the impact of AI on your company’s onboarding: 

  • The cost of onboarding video production will plummet. 
  • You can expect a general decrease in employee turnover. 
  • The attrition rate of new hires should decrease drastically. 
  • The work hours your HR team devotes to onboarding will drop, allowing them to focus on strategic work elsewhere. 
  • Employee satisfaction and feelings of workplace competence and confidence are likely to increase. Your HR team can measure these metrics with employee surveys. 

Even if you know how to measure the impact of AI on your onboarding’s effectiveness, another question remains. How do you choose the best AI tools for your company’s needs and goals?

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Choosing the Right AI Tools for Your Onboarding Strategy

There’s no shortage of enterprise AI tools on the market, which can make it difficult to select the right one for your HR team. It’s often the case that simple, approachable tools don’t offer much functionality, and the more robust software is so complex that most HR teams struggle to use it. 

By taking the time to vet a product before jumping in, you’ll be much more likely to see long-term onboarding improvements. Be sure to select an enterprise AI solution that meets the following criteria: 

  • Pairs simplicity with robust functionality: Anyone on your team – not just the tech-inclined individuals – should be able to create studio-quality onboarding videos, and translate them as needed. The software should be intuitive and simple to figure out without sacrificing functionality in any way. 
  • Integrates with your existing HR systems: Make sure your software purchase can easily connect to and operate with your current HR tools. AKOOL’s suite of GenAI software tools are designed to plug right into your existing tech stack, so you can hit the ground running. 
  • Can help you onboard non-technical employees: Be sure that any software tool you purchase can produce crystal-clear translations in multiple languages. Many onboarding videos require explaining technical concepts to non-technical employees, which is difficult at the best of times, but impossible if you throw translation issues into the mix. AKOOL’s AI-driven translations can get any employee up to speed.  

If you take the time to make an informed decision, purchasing AI video and translation software can work wonders for your onboarding. 

Make Onboarding A Breeze With AI

With the rise in remote work, a global workforce, and the need for companies to manage compliance in markets around the world, employee onboarding has never been more important. GenAI can help your HR team create onboarding videos that bring out the best in your employees, make them excited to work for you, and boost long-term retention. 

If you’re ready to see what GenAI could do for your onboarding, try a free demo of our AI-powered video and voice translation tool. 

Frequently asked questions
What are some common challenges faced when integrating Generative AI into existing onboarding processes?
What video editing tools does AKOOL integrate with?
Can AI training videos be customized for different learning styles?
Devin Trim
AI Author
B2B SaaS & Finance Expert
Learn more

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Devin Trim
AI Author